Beginners' Luck....

Dunno what I am thinking trying to write a blog.

What do I know about it? Its just that I come in contact with several scenarios daily that I sometimes wish to share but in a non-personal way. And I think maybe that's what blogging is about. Since I resolved to do the selfish thing this year, I'm doing stuff I shouldn't. 

Let me start be saying this blog is not ALL about me, I will be saying stuff that you may see yourself in....there's my caveat!!! I wonder that I chose to start today, why? 

Well, in the past 24 hours, I have had too many compliments, they ranged from, 
-you are the brainiest person I know(?!),
-I would vote for you if you ever sought a political position because you are very articulate in your understanding of what is required and your ideas sound like they would work(?!-she's unaware that I am apolitical), too funny!!!

Anyway, all of these people have me believing in abilities I may not have and so I am attempting more than I can (as usual!). 
I need help though, because I sometimes lapse into inactivity and may go several days without doing any constructive work (you have been warned!!!) and I sometimes lapse into strange languages when my limited understanding of the English language fails me. 

I may cheat and recycle some of the stuff I have written before or that I read someplace else for your reading pleasure but I'm sure you won't mind....or do you? 

Anyway, raise your glass with me and toast my blogging success....I hope years from now, we can celebrate this day and think about how small its beginning was and how much it grew and grew and how you ALL knew from the start it would be the roaring success it became!!!


  1. yeah, at the end we will be able to say, it started like the tiny flame of a match stick but look at the roaring fire its become like a napalm induced Guy Fawkes bonfire.....

  2. And you had a big part to play my dear! Thanks!


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