I just wanted to get a word in before the appointment as IG of Police takes full effect. I worry when people get called to serve in Nigeria and they get all excited. It stinks of a lack of understanding of what the position requires and how truly incapable the person must be or how very certain it is that the person will not do what he was asked to do. Those people who go on and do a thanksgiving service when appointed to positions of authority have declared what they are there to do ahead of time but we hardly ever listen, us Nigerians. But some of us are now listening harder than ever before,so if you dont want to 'Ringim' out of the Nigerian Police Force, take pencil and paper and make notes.So, Oga Abubakar, let me tell you in friendly tones what I expect of you. I am sure you can do the job and I expect that you will but much more than that I expect you to abide by these....erm......suggestions if we are to continue to be friends. First, undertsand this, you owe no allegiance to Ringim, in whatever shape, form or size. If you were friends before (on Facebook?) delete him now, cut off his access to you. He can only give you bad advice and implicate (or should that be complicate) you in his bad karma. Your primary constituency is the Nigerian people and your most important tool for this job will be your conscience (BTW, if you are also friends with Reno, delete him too!). Your best legacy will be to do this job so well, that Nigerians will ask every Abubakar they meet henceforth if they are related to you, and run helter skelter to assist them cos you sanitized our society. My next advice to you is to ask your Principal if you are allowed to do what is right even if it contradicts what he orders,this is a very important issue to put on the table early on cos of some of the serious issues that your guy has bungled in the recent past. Find out how much leeway he is willing to give you to do the job like you know it should be done (BTW, you are the expert in Police matters, not him and you must be able to advice him accordingly). Get him to sit down with you ALONE and pledge allegiance but have a resignation letter written out for him to hold in trust. Whatever day he will not let you do what is best on the job, have him insert the date and walk away. Next, try and get a team of similar men around you, not necessarily as SSAs or PSAs but wherever they are, consult and network with them. Sorry to disappoint you, you cant police Nigeria alone! Its too big and the problems too multi-dimensional. you need men but understand that good men will do before they begin to advertise themselves. Those who come and tell you 'secrets' of how your former Oga did, can and will be useful. Some as moles, others as tools of reverse spying (what am I talking about? too many 007 movies messing with my head). PLEASE, make it an offence to ask or receive bribe by making sure all the monies disbursed for the welfare of Policemen gets to them! This is the bane of our inefficient Police, how does a man who has not been taken care of, take care of others? Pls, my guy, take care of these people so they can do their jobs as it should be done! Pls make sure that the proper appreciation of human life is taught to ALL policemen. Its the reason they have a job..... Above all, be true to yourself! I saw a person I respect say you are a good man and it warmed my heart, dont let the demons of OFFICE in Nigeria, get to you, call on whatever you believe in and settle it with HIM. I pray for you, may your own not be like Ringim oh!!!
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