Its only February, so why this need to take stock? Its been two months since I resolved on the 'selfishness' path and a review is needful, but not downwards, upwards and onwards.

I have kept my word and been more selfish this year, taking, grabbing what I wanted becos I found that I was too understanding of the people around me and it was killing me, physically, emotionally and mentally. I am sure this has been necessary when I evaluate the results at this two-month time point.

I am healing and becoming stronger and better at coping with the demands of life, work and all those kinda stuff. I do not let anyone's inability to comprehend my awesomeness bother me and I am unwilling to sit and be morose becos some part of my life isnt what it should be.

I am still thankful for life and family and friends. I am still grateful for the priviledge of being wife, daughter, mother and all but I am affirming me nowadays as I find no-one else wants the job on a full time basis and I need this full time.

Work is working more nowadays than it used to becos I am no longer crippled (almost physically) by the pain of needing what I should normally have. And even though many targets are not being met, I am not sweating it, just grateful for another opportunity to try. Those who need me have found that I just would not be there this year cos am busy taking care of me.

I am thankful becos rather than be bogged down by guilt, I have had help and support from God and His sweet spirit and dear friend who comforts my waste places. I am less fanatical about Him nowadays becos I heard Him say, chillax, Nike, this too will pass, na we we.....

Grace is me and amazingly lost me is found and it took a dose of selfishness to make it happen. I do not advocate this treatment for all ills but I definitely know this was the cure I needed to heal. This review is much like a serial diagnostic, first of many, following a drug trial. It works but while we are happy with the results, we are on the lookout for long term effects and how to deal with them.

I would normally acknowledge the support I have received from diverse places, but on a new level of selfishness, that does not seem right. I would normally thank those who made this my reality but again, that would be unselfish and we are not doing that right now. So, I would like to say, good job Adenike! You are fab and I just cant get enough.

I recall a deal I made with God at one time, to have Him help me ensure my place with Him would be secured. If ever I became too full of crap that I would jeopardize His grace upon me, He had my express request to take His breath back and recently, I have gone over that deal and wondered if I was not dangerously close to the terms of that deal but this morning, He said again, chillax Nike!

So, if I award me 10 over 10, deal with it. This is all about me, for me, in me and all about me, so there!


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