I had no idea when I realised it was happening and that I was powerless to stop it. It felt like a train moving towards me and I was powerless to do what is needful to get out of its path, much like the rabbit with headlights glaring in its eyes seconds before the thump of being struck down. Ok, I had no strength to fight it but I knew Someone who did and I turned to Him. Anyone who says there is no God, should go three rounds with sickness and they will receive a quick introduction fast!
I closed my eyes and snapped them open again, fearful that if I closed them, I would wake up in heaven (presumptuous, I know, but that is what I believe) and so I struggled to keep awake and remain alert. They were marching through my body, vermin, claiming my blood vessels and shutting down sections that were vital so that the damage could be massive and it seemed we were in conversation.
'Dont do that!' I said and they answered in a chorus, 'Why are you still talking? Dont you realise what's going on, we are taking over this body! Shut up and roll with it!'. I have never learnt to do as I am told especially when I felt the instructors had not adequately explained their reason for being instructors to me. Some call it rebellion, some say its guts, others say its stupidity and some even call me unteachable. Like I care! I wasnt going down like that is all I knew.
From my car where it became obvious that something was badly wrong, to work for call-duty, to my MIL's house to dutifully drop the chicken for Easter 2011, to FJ's house when the pain became unbearable,it was a battle of wits and for supremacy. I became very worried when he looked worried after he said smile and I did and he repeated it and I shouted (poor dear!) that I was smiling. Apparently, one side of my face had been overcome by these vermin! 'Ok but that's all you will get!' I screamed at them.
He drove me home becos he knew what it was, I didnt, I just knew it was hard to breathe and one side refused to obey me. I called my troops, my friends,sisters,prayer warriors and uber babes. They would tell me how I looked and if truly there was a need to worry. They came within the hour, both of them and scared the bejesus out of me. 'Its not good, Nike, they said' and I looked at them, 'What do you mean? Cant you see I am winning against the vermin? I am! Am I?!'. They both shook their heads. Its time to go to the hospital. I agreed and husband mine took me.
I sat in the examination room and waited for another 5hours before anyone came, by which time, I knew I had victory. That exam room did not show the signs of the battle but I knew what went down. It was in my inner space that it all took place. I looked at life and grabbed it and would not let it go! It helped being in hospital (I hate hospitals!). I decided (once again) that Fanta still tastes good! That had been one of the signs BTW a different taste in my mouth as I shared a Fanta with the girls while they didnt taste any different.
I clasped my hands on His feet and we entered the place of fear together and I felt no fear becos I realised that the One who allowed Him go there was NEVER gonna leave us both down there. It helped that my imagination rose to the occasion and made it impossible to sleep, did not help that I was being given all these drugs to shut down my body so they could try and heal it for me.
I struggled for 3 days before the drugs took effect but by that time, we were back! Resurrected! I smiled weakly at the girls everytime they came to say, 'I love you, Mummy', they did not know how much it helped! I have no recollection of food but I had spiritual food! I was being quickened in my inner man and even though I kept being told I needed to deal with the vermin myself, I was aided with some designer weapons that took several of them down each time I wanted to (Jackie Chan style!).
I approached the doctor, 3days after and he smiled wondering why I was smiling at him. I explained I had been seen previously by him and why and he shook his head as if to clear it. 'What did you do? Keep doing it! Its working!' he said. I know! Even though the face was still a bit lopsided, no other signs remained of THE INCIDENT.
Today, a year later, no trace remains, well, that is if you refuse to recall the assurance of faith that episode gave me, or the joy that fills me at knowing I was worthy to go down to hell and experience the Jonah-Jesus three day event showing at special cinemas of faith. I learnt to value people and view everything in terms of longer than today, tomorrow, next week, next year or even ten years from now! I live second by second, my Hand in His and assured of love and mercy and grace.
I am still thankful and still living becos I choose to and very grateful for every single experience that I have becos it might have been someone else's. I am arisen.
Wow! N, I had no idea. Our God is indeed faithful! All thanks and praise to Him.