While we were in UI, I avoided him everywhere I saw him, ah! You would have too, if you had known him! Labcoat strung across his body in anyway except that which was acceptable. You never knew how he would look when you saw him next. 

One day, hair rivalling Kongi's and the next, clean shaven with a goatee that made him look Al Qaedaish. Me, omo jeje that I was ( and still am!), I stayed very far away. My major wahala was, he is cousin to the bf, and so our paths regularly crossed. Several times a week cos bf and I spent more time than absolutely necessary at the buttery at ABH. We regularly ran into him and he began to grow on me. I discovered his dry wit and inability to conform and seeming nonchalance. 

We kept meeting and I was even unaware that he was making room for himself in my most revered space. Years of being around some people dulls you to the fact that they have been around and been your support system for so long. But every time I look at my health, I see Femi. 

When conception was difficult, he was there to talk me through the process and even though we both would have had red faces had we been white, that was the thing that removed our self-consciousness with each other for life.

Then when Mo v1 was born, he calmed all of my new-parent fears and made almost every visit to a physician unnecessary. Once I called, he showed up and was never perturbed. He calmed me and I made better and smarter health decisions for her. The only times I had issues were those times I did not call him, all of which I paid for by being severely worried and misguided by all those doctors, mschew!

Everyone of my health issues were better handled whenever I started from him.

The episode of fluid in the lungs becos I called and said I was coughing and he said to get a radiograph of my chest and one look at said radiograph and I knew all was not well. His reluctance at letting me leave the hospital before the surgery becos I was stubborn enough to want to go see my father before it, for the whole weekend, no less, made me understand his worry. I came back and barely made it to the surgical table before death closed in. Almost.

That one time the headaches wouldnt stop and I had to get a head scan and he would not believe I had not been smashed around by the one who 'loves' me. He looked murderous, filled with rage, but truly, it wasnt like that. Loving eyes never see, he does not see my clumsiness, my ability to stumble even on level ground, even though I learnt to walk a long time ago.

The last when I had walked in and said I wasnt feeling so good and he said smile and it became obvious, wahala dey! Calmly, he drove me home, made me lie down, sent for drugs, made me use them and nursed me till it was past.

The latest, secret to all but very few that is difficult to talk about, treating may kill, not treating may kill, but he is convinced I am well, just as I am. In more ways than one!

Woke up with a need to let everyone know, starting with him, how very grateful I am for his support. How thankful for him I am, everyday. And he is such a dear, calling me sweet and letting me know its not all about him, my significant other. Yes! I know that still, it was great to hear him say it. 

Quite a number dont know it and may guess wrong, I have never paid for any of this service, and I know I should (you need to send me a bill already!). I probably can never afford what I owe you but I am constantly at the big G's door, asking for what you need. I love love love you and grateful for every role you  have in my life.

Watching you with the girls, I am tinged slightly green, they roll around with you on the floor, share their sausages and bacon, wrestle you for some ofada stew, abandon me at a moment's notice, scurrying to get dressed and run off with you, to return hours later laden down with all the sugar treats and divine age-appropriate books. 

How did I get so lucky?

Never will I forget your telling me its arrogance to think when people are stressed, that its about me. Knowing how pathologically responsible I am, that freed me up some! You are wiser than you make out....I know, I wont tell anyone! I am just glad to have you as family, physician and friend!


  1. I used to fix Ephjay's computer in Ibadan about 9 years ago when I was doing my IT in Microlab on Awolowo, the description is the same for the Ephjay I knew. Very clumsy, yet an amazing guy, knowing doctors for being cool, calm and collected you just never guess he's one. I wonder where he is now but if I can I'll really love to see him again.


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