I joined Twitter on the 1st of October of one year. Nigeria, being my driving agent for most all of my social media interaction, is why! My Nigerian-ness and her inability to be who I want her to be...sigh. 

I have lately enjoyed Twitter more than Facebook (fb) for the single reason that fb pays me too much mind and the intelligence needed to navigate it is minuscule compared to that required for Twitter. Every Tosin, Dike and Haruna can access fb and make far reaching conclusions on stuff they have exactly zero expertise in and about. 

Whereas Twitter, ah! Some of it flies totally above some heads and you can talk above some heads  and even though they 'hear', they may never 'understand'! I love that! Being a fan of  nuanced satirical interactions, Twitter is home! 

Its a whole new country with its own currency (tweets) and its own law enforcement (twitjail), its own peculiar entertainment (twitfights) and even its own peculiar mud (subs). Now, while I don't necessarily trade in most all of these, I love its citizenry (tweeps). 

Sometimes, I just want to hit my head against the wall at how some are missing the point of tweets directed at them or how some become two-faced or even sham-facedly use Twitter for ends that should be illegal! But Twitter is my kinda country.... 

I have always said, were I not a Veterinarian, the only thing that could afford me the same thrill would be to work in espionage (but CIA and the British Intelligence never take a hint! sigh!). Twitter fulfils that non-Veterinary side of me....ah! To fish out the meaning and be one of the few that get the sub that the subber used to sub the greater sense of accomplishment!

Anyway, my reason for writing this is the very interesting tweeps I have had the priviledge of 'meeting' on Twitter. Female,male, young, old, feeling funky and the rest, they all add some zing to my day! I could play favorites and list the names of those I hope to meet (which I have done before) or those I already met....hmmmm!All those things that demystify mystery......naah!!!

Today, I celebrate the tweeps of Twitter! Y'all rawk!!!
