1. Life- I have seen awesome destinies truncated by lack of life and so I have concluded that life is a huge priviledge. I am thankful that I have mine.

2. Health- for someone who has been healthy most of her life (described several times as disgustingly healthy), I am thankful that I enjoy good health. I am grateful that during the times I have taken ill, I was properly diagnosed and treated and for all the drugs that assist me in leading a healthy life.

3.  Family (a)- I am grateful that I can provide a home environment in which I can thrive. I am grateful for 2 beautiful adorable and extremely smart daughters that are such a joy and rejoicing of my heart, daily. This my nuclear family elicits strengths I did not know I possessed and courage I was totally unaware of.

4. Family (b)- I am grateful for other members of my biological family as I am very African in the sense of enjoying the imput of several members of my extended family in my life and needing to replicate the same for others younger than me. Father, siblings, aunties, uncles, cousins. Thankful for every single last one of them.

5. Family (c)- there are those with whom I have no blood relationship but with whom relationship has transcended into much more, so much more….friends, church, school (FGCJOSA) and a host of others online. I am most grateful for the opportunity to be a part of your lives.

6. Finances- I am grateful for resources beyond my earning power; influence, money, prayers that bring situations and circumstances under control and changes in mine and others’ lives all around for good. I am deeply thankful.

7. Job and Career- for my work as a Veterinarian and career as a Lecturer, I am most grateful. The excitement I enjoy that could only have been matched by a career in espionage or the Secret Service. I am thankful and for every suggestion that it will get better, I am awed.

8.  Skill set- my life is simple and for this I am thankful for all that helped me develop the skill set to be how I am. Unassuming, satisfied with my lot in life without being complacent no matter what happens, able to work towards a definite goal, independent and dependent by turns, strong, weak, courageous and fearful. I love the bag of contradictions that I am and that has always stood me in good stead.

9. Faith- I am thankful for the belief I have and the faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, in His death, resurrection and promised return. I am constantly looking up for I know faithful is He who promised. And even though there are frustrations this side of heaven, my awareness of my Maker is intact. Never mind that I don’t fit the mold, always, I am His.

10. Shelter and Transportation- you never value stuff till you don’t have them, I have heard said. I have recently had to be away from home and stayed in a really crappy hotel (for want of a worse name to call it) and it has helped me appreciate my home a little bit more. All the little perks that I fill it with, all of which make it peculiarly mine. Also, I have always hated public transportation because I am closet-claustrophobic and detest people in what I consider ‘my space’. I have a habit of not allowing anyone ride in front with me when I drive and only recently did it become clear to me why.  I am thankful that I have a ride that takes me from place to place with minimal discomfort.

11.  Literary Leanings- I am thankful that I can string words together to relieve my pressures. I imagine that this is a good thing because I think it would be catastrophic to be unable to express how I feel because I could not find the right words. Yes, that would be hell.

12. Imagination- One of the things I am most grateful for is my imagination. It rocks! It takes me away from unpleasantness, towards my utopia and enables me do so much more than I could or would have been able to do otherwise. It astounds even me sometimes in its ability to travel, connect and do stuff that I am sure must be illegal in so many places on the surface of the earth.

13. Thankfulity- I am grateful for my thankfulness. I am capable of seeing miracles in almost everything and I really think it’s a great trait to have. While there are several more things I am thankful for, I really like the number 13 and wish to stop here and reflect on how many more things I could be writing about and how I ended up writing about Thankfulness around Thanksgiving. Well, I have Ashley to thank (or blame) for it. She has continued to tell me once daily (on Facebook) stuff she is thankful for and I have learnt several other things I ought to be very grateful for...and one of them is you.....yes, you!


  1. And I am thankful for you :D

    1. As I am for you....thanks for reading AND commenting! Ya awesome.....*couldn't resist*


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