I came awake slowly...(cheesy line, who wakes fast?) I was not immediately aware of where I was. I looked around , eyes unable to focus, everything swam before my eyes until my eyes hit the red...RED?!!! My eyes flew open! Wide open! RED? Is that blood? Oh! No! Why oh why?! Why did I allow this to happen...(here, my arrogance kicks in, everything is always my fault!I own faults like some ladies own shoes!) 

If there was blood, it meant one of two things, he had stabbed me while I slept or the condition I had was worse. Why oh why had I not listened and done the needful since? Why was I so difficult to convince and stubborn as a goat? Now it has happened! 

I rubbed my eyes to remove whatever glues them together as I sleep, I tried to locate my poor glasses among the rubble that was my bed. I tried the first time and came up with my stethoscope. The bright pink colour stood stark against the dark night. There was no light but the shrill sound from the inverter explained why I felt cool breeze from the fan. 

'Crazy mofos....DISCO or what is their new name gan na?' I muttered to myself as I tried again. They could not have gone very far, I had taken them off before I fell asleep fact, that had been my last waking thought. 

Poor glasses, I do not remember what number this one is but its my current favourite. I had lost the purple ones that I thought were so 'me' in Louisana mysteriously. Probably dropped them in a bin along with some waste paper on that short walk from the bus stop to my room. They were soooo cool, purple, one of my favourite colours and of course plastic! These ones are black, sensible black.

I probably had the last glass glasses when I was in Secondary School. Ever since I embraced my clumsiness, I just did not bother. Plastic frames, plastic lenses, they lasted longer that way. That is, if I do not lose them. Which is why I have seven pairs at the moment. Don't try and figure that out, its one of those OCD things...

Ah! Got it! I felt the glasses drop into my hands, probably that was Angel Jamiu wary that I would hurt myself if he did not step in and hand me the glasses. I have the idea that he is a greying old angel, much like the character Roger Murtuagh plays in the Lethal Weapon movies who kept saying 'I'm too old for this shit'' but who is being constantly assured by Big G that this is a 'special assignment' for his best angel....oh well, Big G NEVER lies....

Anyway, I do not know where the pain is yet as I cannot feel it but looking down, I found that it was blood did I do this? Bleed all over the bed and even the books and papers that I had been marking and so high up? It can't be menstrual blood. Too red in fact....and at the mention of papers, the penny dropped.

I had not been stabbed and was not bleeding to death! Thank you, thank you, thank you, fairy godmother plus God plus oriyami!

I don't know how to tell you this, I had been marking test papers, using a red pen that my dear darlyn daughter had given me for my birthday. As always, I had not felt sleepy at all, not until the DISCO people withheld light and I could not be bothered to get up to depress the inverter switch. This is because I knew I didn't have to. 

See, we have a robot in our house. She is 8years old, soon to be 9 and hates the heat. Once DISCO does their thing during the night, give her a few minutes, she will get up, without opening her eyes, make her way to where the inverter is outside her door, depress the switch and return to bed, all without opening her eyes! Its a production to watch but since we know this, we do not get up when DISCO 'takes' the light during the night. Our robot is wired to do it. 

So, they took the light and I had to suspend marking but I think as I took off my glasses (my last conscious action) I forgot to cap my pen and it had leaked all over my papers and bed sheet! First, do not forget, I actually thought I was in danger of dying, so be nice and don't hiss! This is one of those 'Shior' moments we all have,no? You don't? Well, you should! No one should be perfect! 
