WHAT IF........?

What if the pain weren't real....
The girls were back and rejoicing filled my heart.

What if the nightmare ended.....
I could sleep not waking in terror at the memory of fear.

What if the crazed man died......
The one who makes claims & counterclaims of lunacy.

What if the timid one grew balls......
Ordered, directed, commanded and inspired the calvary.

What if the assembly assembled....
Enforced right, Demanded more than filthy lucre to look away.

What if the elite learnt empathy.....
Decided to serve instead of allowing dregs to misrule.

What if stealing & corruption became one.....
Cleansing, Prosecution, Appropriate jail terms, no sacred cows.

What if citizens could be certain of security......
Of life, property, health, a good standard of living.

What if there was no need for activists.....
Each one having access to powers that be with their voice.

What if ........?
WHAT IF........?

Just please, #BringBackOurGirls NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
