A Balanced View For me....

I read an article yesterday. One thing led to another. I think you should read it too.

I follow @LeeGrady on Twitter. His bio proclaims he is a preacher who confronts abuse of women globally. I see his tweets about his work from time to time. I saw an article of his about divorce that caught my attention and after I read it, I have to doff my hat to him.

Read that article here...When is it right to leave a marriage

I am sick and tired of the sanctimonious (and frankly dangerous) stance a number of people take to this very sad albeit necessary evil because of their religiousity. This is mayhaps one of the frankest and accurate takes on divorce I have ever read.

I clicked on a link within the first article and was further impressed with the balance to his views.

Read here...10 Men Christian Women Should never marry then, at the end of this article I found another link that led me to the conclusion of the matter.

Read here....8 Women Christian Men should never marry.....

Please, read for yourselves and on top this matter, I do want feedback, thanks!
