A Party and its lessons.....

I was invited by my twinnie, Dupe Killa, yes, I finally admit she is my twin abi who nor like better thing? She is fine and she says I look like her so its fine by me.

She asked me to attend her folks’ 50th wedding anniversary party and I was immediately intrigued. 50th?!  Wowzers! I had no immediate plans but attending Padi Mi’s Academic Day & I had been footdragging on that for several reasons so I immediately committed to the party.

I am not very social savvy so the first thing I agonize over when I have a party is what to wear and how to appear as effortlessly cool as possible. The invitation said a ‘best touch of yellow’ so I was immediately sorted. Never mind that I then left the yellow gele at home but this one turned out okay becos I had a great time and was among friends so I was not acutely worried as usual.

I arrived at about 11am and realized that I was too early, the invite said noon. This, despite leaving Ibadan not at the stroke of dawn but at about 9:45am and with Sunday at the wheel, I was comfortable enough to relax & engage in my favourite pastime, daydreaming. 

When I finally walked into the venue, it was tastefully and beautifully decorated and looking around, the ambience was just too perfect. I found a table labeled ‘Dupe and Jide’ and soon, the ‘Killa girls’ started to arrive.

I need a minute to catch my breath. These ‘girls’ are fiiiiiiiinnnnnnneeeeee!!! First and second generation of them. They came in a gold/yellow outfit topped with a pink headwrap dotted with pearls for the first generation and a variation of this with intriguing and interesting hairstyles for the second. In all, I thought….’this is class’.

Come and hear English! I settled into my seat doing my second favourite thing…observing. There were lots to see and I saw. The pecking order between the girls and how the second generation of children is comfortable with all of the first generation; obviously a close knit family.

I saw Dupe and met her daughters; I could have picked them out without introduction, naturalistas and fashionistas both.  

And then my heart stopped. Ma and Pa Killa danced into the hall flanked by family and friends and it was so beautiful. Come and see Mummy! The dance steps were ethereal, and what a smile?! They both danced so beautifully and I watched, mersmerized. It was very beautiful to watch and I was moved almost to tears.

A beautiful party but the take-aways for me were very poignant
-love is real
-love endures
-the Killa family rawks!

There were beautiful segments of the party that I thoroughly enjoyed and I think they are a testament to the beautiful couple we were celebrating.

The remembrance of a son gone to rest was important and appreciated for one who has experienced similar loss of a brother.

The grandchildren (ie the second generation) rendered songs taught them by Pa Killa and I knew none of them. They sounded reminiscent of songs of Brazilian extraction. Like something Daddy had learnt while rawking Isale-eko as a youth. The beauty of having taken the time to teach his kids and then his grand kids was just too lovely.

There were slide shows of what appeared to be the entire family wishing the happy couple a good time and another by Dupe’s fabulous older daughter in impeccable English.

 A friend and in-law also spoke about Pa Killa, he shared how the children had sent the couple to a hotel for days before the event to cool off. Sigh. *Goosebumps* That is such a perfect way to celebrate one’s folks! And I loved the man’s redirect for one of the MCs. There were two of them and while they did entertain, they also grated on occasion.

I had a personal drama of mine going on. I pride myself on being instantly recognizable but mayhaps that is to myself becos twice now, I have been in gatherings and assumed I would be easily recognized but it has not happened. I have interacted online with a lovely lady of mega troublesome quotient and upon seeing her, I flashed what I hoped was a 1000watt smile. After 2seconds, I realized she was blissfully unaware of my existence and immediately shut the window of my mouth. 

She swaggered up to the table where I sat and planted herself opposite me as I welcomed another friend and his wife. I proceeded to watch her and imagine who would break the news to her. As with that Igbo boy who sells phones, I decided, Twitter should help and tweeted about her. In an instant, she looked up and recognition warmed her face. I truly enjoyed that bit.

The best bit of the party for me though was when Ma and Pa Killa were asked to speak. Oh! My! I see why Pa Killa was smitten. Ma Killa just kept giggling like a 16 year old in love…ah! It was so cute to watch. Pa Killa had asked her to a party and when she arrived, she discovered she was alone and she kept asking,  ‘where *giggles* are *giggles* the others*giggles*?’ and as she recounted the story, she kept looking at Pa Killa. 

I honestly, at that moment, felt like a pervert watching two lovers make out. It seemed to be such a rich and private and awesome part of their history together, it seemed nothing more needed to be said to describe this couple’s love story. Sigh. It was all so beautiful.

I met Dupe’s husband and enjoyed a meal and left. Never mind the one who saw me off to ensure I truly left (OluwaKwami) and the cute side love story that was developing with Buky and Oriade. 

It was a very beautiful party and I still carry a glow from remembering as I write.

I met up with a friend before leaving Lagos and every time we are together, its achingly beautiful and makes the truths I saw come alive for me. It was more of the same. A rich friendship that has survived some dark paths and refuses to ebb. 


  1. You haven't written in ages!!! Not sure if i've ever mentioned this but you and Dupe could pass for siblings. I sha missed the party abi..... Thanks for rubbing it in. I've read that last paragraph thrice and i'm still scratching my head. Who is this mysterious friend o? Talawon? Who is it?..... Anyway,thanks for this beautifully crafted piece. Kunle

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      Thanks for noticing. I am always writing but some of what I write can be misconstrued and so I save them up for when some very huge egos are off my horizon. Thanks for the compliment about looking like DK. Sorry you missed this one, but many to come. Mummy ati Daddy Killa ma se 55th ati bee bee lo....
      About that last paragraph, I could tell you but then, I'd have to kill you....*evil laugh*

  2. Replies
    1. Sweetie, me sef be your fan.... Love you like kilode!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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