While I walked....

I typically try to wait till its bright outside before I start walking and I power on my app that tracks my walk. 

Since getting this new phone, I have not sorted my music out so I have all sorts jumbled up unlike my usual playlists where there is one for good days and another for craze days and such like. So, I could be walking and a preaching audio would come on and I would need to break my concentration to skip to the next song or find something else to listen to.

Today, I took one of two routes away from my house. That should be flat but I like house for now. I walked past that house that I keep wondering what was on the owner’s mind when he started? Or why build such a tasteless grotesque thingy to live in when you obviously have the money to hire those who will design you a lovely place to live or help you get glasses to hide your lack of taste and style.

I watched the boy and girl on opposite sides of the road, holding a conversation. I met up with the old man pushing a wheel-barrow full of gravel, his cheery good morning was lovely. 

I am well and truly a Yoruba Aunty, I can’t even lie anymore. I watched a young lady come out with two small bins and empty them in the big blue one at the entrance to her house. I mentally cautioned myself as I spied that the bins were dirty and discoloured . 

Such things bother me and as I approached and she smiled her good morning, I heard my mental ‘worrahell!’ just as I spoke. 

I actually told her to buy that yellow and black nylon to line the bins so she doesn’t always have to deal with the dirty bin ish. 

Thankfully, she merely smiled and looked at me with sad kind eyes. Probably thinking, ‘eeyah, she needs people to talk to’.

When I hit that road, I peeped the sun acting coy behind some clouds. I debated taking a picture and decided not to. The red SUV was parked out as usual. 

Descending the road towards the big red building, a guard sat on a chair and eyeballed me. I decided he won’t get a cheery greeting and looked straight ahead. 

Circling back, I pass my friend’s house and mess with the dog. He hates me cos I docked his tail myself but how do you explain to your patient that you were asked by your friend whom you can’t refuse anything? I had to! But dog has not forgiven me ever since. Sigh.

I headed home and tried to convince myself that I would make almost 5km. I don’t always make 5 but I always aim for that. I decided to circle around my favourite house in the estate once more. 

My route is mostly informed by my mood, my thoughts or how energetic I am feeling. No pattern or rhythm to my walk and that’s the best part!

I also always try to finish off with some danceable music at which point I hone my shoki or whatever move is currently my fave.

When I am done, I am supposed to pump some iron, bust some moves on my piece of equipment to tone my upper body but that’s more an exception than the rule. It’s why I need a gym membership asap!

While I walk though, I am most at peace, in sync with me and my body parts and thoughts. I tolerate no distractions and I am truly excited about what the sexy body is becoming. If only I can eat right…yea, that’s the next blogpost. 
