My World Peace View from 2011

I came across this article I wrote in 2011 for the Louisiana State University International Cultural Center's World Peace Day celebration at which I was asked to speak along with a few other young people including a few Americans as well as another young male Nigerian and another female African all of whom have become friends on my social space. This was during my Fulbright scholarship spent at the Radiology Service of the Veterinary School at LSU. It truly still IS my view on world peace even though I may be more aware of how flippant I made it sound then but the essentials are still very true. As I read, I thought to share so here goes-


I was asked to speak about my feelings, expectations, hopes and advice for world peace.

Feelings- What is world peace? Can I make bold to say its no longer that unattainable dream that misfits use as an excuse for their inability to fit into mainstream society anymore? Its now a tangible attainable time in the near future when all men will forget their cavemen instincts and attempt to live in peace with their neighbors as individuals, peoples, or nations. Or at least that is what I feel about world peace.

For an inquisitive traveler of the world, I have been blessed with meeting people from all over the world and found that individuals are pretty decent until something threatens their sense of well-being, which may also be that of a loved one or a possession, if you don’t know what I mean, ask a wife whose husband bought a brand new car and is guarding it with all he has. ‘Hey honey’, she says and he’ll reply, ‘No, nothing’s wrong honey!’ Communication becomes warped is what I am saying! Just kidding!

Expectations- I am Nigerian, (just in case you hadn’t heard!), and my expectations for world peace usually begin with demanding the best of the people who are in charge of my country, the President, senators and their bosses-I meant their wives…..if they are anything like me, I figure life will be ok, I am constantly trying to re-make and remold my husband to the point where he knows to answer, ‘yes dear’ and do as much as I wish. But seriously, the role of women in world peace cannot be overlooked. It is so significant that this year’s Nobel Peace Prize is shared by 3 great women……and the theme of this programme this year is ‘The decade of Women’. Ever heard of the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world? A woman who ignores her ability to make change happen may well just roll over and die, it is such a priviledge that we should be running around looking for people to guide through life.

My expectations don’t end there though cos I am such a citizen of the world and need to be able to strut my stuff whether I am in Ibadan, Alberta, Baton Rouge, Tripoli or on a beach in Melbourne. I don’t want limitations on my movement, speech or any other form of activity I MAY chose to engage in just because I look a certain way. I want to be assessed based on how my actions affect you not by how my person affects you and for this I am not naive enough to discountenance politics and legislation. This is why I think education and political savvy must not be limited to anyone. In Africa as in every other part of the world, the girl-child must and should be educated and every woman should use her clout to get things done, whether in her home, workplace, place of worship or recreationally.

Hopes- for world peace include that people will remember to treat others as they will want to be treated, whether they are George, Maria, Obama, Adenike, Handel or whatever they may be called. That governments will remember they are only governments because they have people to govern, so its not a priviledge but a call to service. I hope that heads of governments the world over will choose to relate based on equity and fairplay rather than the oppressive war cry that seems to be the norm. That people will remember that every priviledge carries a responsibility at which failing is not one of the options-to be called Daddy, you must be a Father, strong, caring, there!!, to be called Sister, you must show a heart of empathy and love!!

I hope that we all will choose motherhood and I am sure you are wondering if you heard me right, becos try as some of you might, you may not be able to see yourselves that way cos you just don’t have the right equipment! Well, I am not talking of physically, I am speaking of conceiving an idea, nurturing it till it feeds off your insides and takes on a life of its own, carrying it to term, and bearing and hunkering down to bring it forth with the attendant excruciating pain. Not stopping there though, for motherhood entails much more than giving birth, caring, nurturing and many times denying our self what we need to satisfy what our baby wants. I am hoping that many of us will conceive world peace in that kinda way and work, mostly on ourselves, not others now, till this baby becomes a phenomenon.

Advice- Mostly, I want to tell young people to stop believing the lies that generations have told them and create a new reality for themselves. Because I am not faithless, I want you to know that a foundation in faith is essential and sorry to disappoint, it’s not all about you, there is such a bigger picture but you are such a vital color in that picture, take your place for without you, the canvas would lack an essential ingredient to complete the BIG PICTURE; YOU!!!

World peace cometh!!!
