I thought of you today
And I am stunned at the force of feeling
Even as angry at you I am
Not real anger, just frustration that you are so imperfectly perfect

I thought of you today
Shame is less what I feel now
Incredulous as always that I could be so wrong about you
I want to be gracious but I suspect you’ll take it as acceptance

I thought of you today
I miss you even more
How is it you were so impactful?
I dream of conversations with you

I thought of you today
My heart skipped a beat as usual
You are both so different
Yet you plug the hole in my heart exactly the same way

I thought of you today
And of how you ought to have a life but don’t
And how your motivations really should be someone else
How the emotions you rouse now include pity

I thought of you today
And how you were such a gift to me
I miss the advice and help but the betrayal was too grave
The irony is I miss you more than him

I thought of you today
I am usually permissive of you
Lately, I am unable to be
You take too much for granted

I thought of me today
And I saw me in all your eyes
Imperfect, Awesome, Loved & Misunderstood
And I knew I am just as you are
Managed, Tolerated, Loved, Accommodated
And my thoughts lightened
Knowing each of us struggles in different ways
But struggle we do
To do the best we can.
