There is such a hullaballoo going on on Twitter (as always!) that I refuse to be a part of. I refuse to be part of a mob. I therefore had to practice Replacement Therapy. I will, like Fraulein Maria of Sound of Music, try to think up a few of my favorite things to replace all of the horrid things ongoing. 

I aim to make a list of my favorite things and hope to have enough words for a blogpost. Please be advised that I am English-challenged and totally unaware that when you say my favorite this or that, you are limited to just one thing……mine could be a list, it would still be my favorite thing. It’s why this is my blog! Just joking….

My favorite number is 4. I dunno why, it’s just always been is all. I also lurve 13, duh!

My favorite colour is purple…….and brown. Did I mention,  I am one of those who has more than one favorite of almost everything ,so bear with me, this is truly hard for me.

My favorite meal will have to be (and this is a truly tough one) amala, ewedu and gbegiri with pomo, fuku and beef.

My favorite item of clothing is (no brainer!) a pair of jeans.

My favorite day of the week is Wednesday (dunno why).

My favorite month of the year is still February (my birth month).

My favorite shoe type is the wedge.

My favorite holiday destination remains London, UK.

My favorite scripture is found in Psalms 121.

My favorite snack is gari and sugar without water. And almost any type of biscuit….sigh!

My favorite fruit is the pear. Used to be strawberries.

My favorite nut is cashew.

My favorite lip colour is pink.

My favorite nail colour is electric blue.

My favorite drink (recent) is water (sorry, green tea!).

My favorite ice-cream flavor is strawberry….mint is a close second.

My favorite pet is a dog….I want a goldfish though!

My favorite time of day is at dawn (lurve eet!).

My favorite social media destination is Twitter (sorry, Facebook!)

My favorite hobby is day-dreaming. Used to be reading, L.

I've seen lists where people name their favorite designers for things like clothes, bags, shoes and sunglasses and I wish I could but I am just not that interested in labels. If it comes in a colour I like and it fits the way I want it to, it’s my favorite!

My favorite person right now is ME! The new version. I think I will be very interesting and I can’t wait for me to be ready. Wait, what? Ready? As in, done cooking or what? No! 

I am ready.
